全校朝会前 |
整列させようとしています |
先生の講話 |
朝の募金風景 |
咲いてきました |
朝の活動 文章力アップトレーニングが始まりました |
給食前 |
うまく完成できました |
作業中 3年生I君 枯れた木を抜いています |
試行錯誤 |
うんとこどっこいしょ |
抜けました 来週は彼が植えてくれるらしいです こうご期待 |
朝の様子 |
2年生2校時 保健講話 |
ALTの来校日 3年生英語 |
休日にみんなで何をするかを計画しました |
この時間の課題と生徒作成英文は下に載せておきます |
頑張りました |
給食前 |
ALTは2年生とともに給食 |
今日は生徒会専門部会がありました |
春は |
すぐそこまで来ています |
Next Monday’s class will be cancelled. You are free. You will receive 5,000 yen.
You have to do something with your classmates, together. What will you
do next Monday ?「来週の月曜日がもし何もなければ,みんなで何をしますか?」・・と言った課題。※もちろんこのシチュエーションはフィクション(ウソ)です。
Group 1
Student M will say ” I will treat you to lunch ”.
Student Y will win money , 6,000yen at the races.
We will watch a movie at Amyu.
We will go to a penny arcade.
Group 2
We will go to Teacher’s house at 6 a.m.
We will order pizzas for breakfast there.
We will go shopping for snacks that are within 500
We will order pizzas for lunch.
We will go shopping for snacks that are within 500
We will go to a family restaurant at 7 p.m.
We will go to Sun Games at 11 p.m. to use the left
over money.
Group 3
We’ll go to Kagoshima city.
We’ll ride the Sakurajima
We’ll enjoy playing at Round
We’ll eat hamburgers at Mos.
In the afternoon, we’ll
watch the movies, “ Beast ” and “ One week Friends ”
Last, we’ll go home.
Group 4
We will go to Kagoshima City.
We will eat good food.
We will ride the ferris wheel.
We will return home.
Group 5
We will buy snacks, only.
We want to see cherry blossoms at our school and eat
We will have a good time.
Group 6
We will go to Kagoshima by ship.
We are going to play at Round One.
We will spend all our money.
We will come here from Kagoshima by ship.